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    « Maroon & Gold | Main | Even Warmer Hands »

    Sunday, November 12, 2006


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    Wow- you're really cranking out those FO's! Cute hat.


    Very cute!

    Maybe she has a big head and thinks everyone else does, too. Less embarassing than asking people how big their head is/are. Not that I've ever done that or anything...



    I too like that raised ridge with which you edged the colorwork. Sure wish I had thought of it BEFORE I did the colorwork on>my hat for Rabbitch. Oh well, next time.


    Nice hat. You're a better woman that I - I've tried English a few times and give up after a few stitches. I'd love to be able to do both to more easily execute stranded designs.


    That looks great! What's a raised ridge?


    Nice hat Norma. I knit Continental all the time (it was the way I was taught and I had no idea at the time it was different) and I do love it - the tension is so consistent and the carpal tunnel or wrist issues don't seem to be the same. Got to love Mission Falls; they make great wool for hats, mitts and stuff for kiddies...and they're Canadian (yay!).


    Lovely even stitches, you're a continental prodigy Norma! :)


    Love the pattern on the hat! I'm still too chicken to try colorwork.

    I've never tried the sweaters, but everything else I've tried in AB's book is enormous if I use what would be a regular size for me. For example, I most certainly do not have dainty feet, yet I have to use the pattern for a women's medium or the socks are ridiculous. I do so love the concept behind the book though!


    I spent one whole summer learning to knit Continental, and got pretty good at it, too, except that it causes hand and wrist pain where I never have it with my version (I flick rather than throw)of English. I also never got fast enough, had tension issues, and found it would not work on DPN's. Great for 2-handed color work, though! And your cute hat is almost the color of my "PV" sweater, which is not vanilla and has a turtleneck and ribbed bottom and cuffs!


    I had to learn how to knit Continental after a finger injury on my right hand. It's pretty nifty, but yes, it does take a while to get the same tension and gauge as you would with English.

    Continental purl, though? Still of the devil.


    Was I under a rock yesterday or something? I did not see this post until this morning. If you want to call this hour MORNING.
    Love that hat! I have been eyeing it for a while now. Love your color choice.
    You're a good, WARM person, Nor!


    Love the hat! Lovely blue. I taught myself Continental about 10-12 years ago and am now much more comfortable with it than English, although I use both in colorwork. All the books say to hold the main color in the right hand, and I hold it in the left.


    Very nice work! Hats are a great way to practice techniques you want to learn. I knew you meant to change the pattern the minute I saw the hat;-)


    I just love that pattern. Adorable hat, you generous gal, you.

    Kat with a K

    Practicing colorwork. Yeah. I should do that. So cute!

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