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    « Weekend Exercise | Main | Wanna Trade? »

    Monday, November 13, 2006


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    Your scenario would be my scenario from minute one. Mitzvahs writing you into the Heavenly Book.


    YAY! Your sewing machine will feel some love!
    I've been thinking about that mitten cause too. Let's see. Necks are warm. Hands. Heads for dulaan. Making our way around the extremities!


    You won't know until you try. And I think you're better with the sewing machine than you give yourself credit for.


    Bet what you make will be gawjus! Don't go converting to a quilter on us!


    I'll wait to hear how it goes before deciding if that's something I can do or not.....


    About the great causes, truer words were never written. As soon as I finish the red scarf I will be all about the mittens.


    Heeee! I was just reading something about how young people are getting interested in sewing again -- a lot to do with the popularity of Project Runway. You're hip, lady!! Hip as they come. ; ) Thanks for the shout and I know Lynne will appreciate it -- a blizzard of mittens heading to Buffalo!!!


    I can't wait to see what you come up with.


    Thank you so much. I really NEEDED one more place to be spreading my rampant do-goodery.

    Almost finished my 5th item for Dulaan, about half-way on the red scarf ...

    Can I stop long enough to make myself an earwarmer before I get going on the mittens, at least?


    Dang girl! Are you working at all for money anymore, cuz you seem to have a lot of time for gardening and knitting right about now. :)

    I have it on good authority the lasagna method (while bizarre sounding) actually works very well. A neighbor of Susan's here in SLC used it for her front gardens. My gram used to do something similar before it was hip, I suppose.


    Hi Norma! Your multi-directional scarf looks great! I admire your willingness to plunge head first into new projects, whatever they may be. If they work, great, if not, that’s great too. I’m one of those people who cooks by the recipe – if it says a cup, I don’t stray. Sheesh. So, therefore, my knitting tends to be that near-sighted as well. However – that’s a “however” with much emphasis, I might add – I am working on being better about this and straying from inside the lines. Thanks for the inspiration.
    I’m helping Lynne out with the mitten project, too – it’s great to be able to use our talents to bring warmth to others.


    You just crack me up Norma :)

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