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    « No Time To Write - Just a Couple of Pictures | Main | Black Arm Bands, Please »

    Tuesday, October 17, 2006


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    I don't think Lolly will hate for not doing the homework. And if she does, she can hate me, too, cause I didn't do it.

    If you sock, great. If not, it's okay. No one will shun you or anything. We're not those kinds of knitters, ya know.


    So if I look for someone wearing a green sweater, rust-colored Merrels, and one Trekking sock, that'll be you? Easy!

    Dave Daniels

    Yeah, not to worry. Best intentions are pretty much acceptable.
    If you want to start on a clean slate, you can donate all those singles to the injured Vetrans. They'd LOVE a handmade sock or glove or mitten. And then you can buy MORE yarn to start MORE projects. Sounds good, huh?


    Yeah. We believe that you are only trying to stretch out a pleasurable experience. Yes. We do.
    You are not trying on the sweater wet? On second thoughts, wet peace fleece is not a pretty thing. No.


    Grrlfriend, I'm going to sit you down and we're going to knit socks! ONE MORE SLEEP! See you tomorrow, tomorrow...Yee Haw!

    Rachel H

    I've been wondering about David's other sock. Wasn't going to ask tho, lest it get me on your shit list.


    Yeah, but what did you have for breakfast today?
    ; )


    Think how good you'll feel when those socks all have mates. You can do it, Norma!


    I'm in the club as well...I signed up and have started a scarf and a hat...and have 2 socks I could possibly FINISH...but just haven't...


    I didn't even finish the first Trekking sock, although I might soon -- alert the media -- so don't feel bad. And knit whatever you want.

    (Attitude goes well with pointed sticks, don't you think?)


    I didn't finish the Trekking socks on time either. Ah well. That's why I haven't signed up for any more knit alongs.

    The green sweater is beautiful, by the way.


    That would make me start planning to wear mismatched socks, and call them done.


    I had great plans for finishing socks and working lots of new sock patterns and it didn't happen for Socktober. Ah, well, we'll get to them when we get to them, right? Take care.


    Sometimes I have to remind myself I'm knitting for pleasure NOT pressure! So glad you have some vacation time ahead and a rowdy weekend to look forward to...

    lynne s of oz

    I've done four rows on my socktoberfest socks and those haven't yet replaced the rows that were lost when I had a little accident with the needles and some frogging....
    Love the green jumper with leaves (and hte leaves :) Jealous of all you people who get to met up at Rhinebeck.


    I think I'm going to be the only person at Rhinebeck who will not be wearing some brand-new knit. In fact, if it is above 55, there will be no wool anywhere on my body. (I love my woolies, but they are definitely COLD weather wear.) I hope you'll let me play anyway!


    Norma, listen up, girl: you are the only knitter in the entire universe who has neglected to knit a second sock. You have personally invented SSS, all by your good self.

    There, feel better now that you have been officially Yelled At? For goodness sakes, let it go, knit want you want, and enjoy yourself at Rhinebeck! (said the green-eyed midwesterner who will probably NEVER go to said festival)

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