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    « Living LARGE | Main | Everything Happens for A Reason »

    Tuesday, September 26, 2006


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    Um, no beans for me, thank you, Vincent! ;)


    Vincent felt the beans needed additional seasoning.


    I read that as "short garden troll" and wondered if there were tall ones. Yes, I am going to bed soon.

    And, yes, the Red Scarf Blog is on my bloglines.

    /suck up


    Vinny cracks me up! I like the way he thinks! ;)
    I did put it on my bloglines. Stop nagging me, cripes.
    loving mr. pump.


    Lovely fall colors. Just a thought. If you mulch before the ground freezes, will your little rodent friends take up house under that lovely straw mulch?

    Dave Daniels

    Nice pumkpin. How are the rest of them growing? Yeah, I KOW the story about the rotten vines. I DO read. Just tasing ya. Hey, do you think they died because Vinny was helping you water the garden? Just a thought.
    I think I'll stick to store bought produce. No wonder about the spinach problems in this country!


    vincent! lol.
    so cute even if he is being naughty.

    yay for your pumpkin! all of mine have rotted off the vine.
    same with all my mellon. i have one survivor (*knocks wood*)


    Looks like Christmas AND Halloween with the red and green and orange!

    Vincent -- he's hilarious!!


    What's Vincent doing there with the green beans??


    Oops, veggie wash time. I'll take the broccoli, though. Reminds me of a friend's herb garden. Seems her DH had a weekly guys night at their house. She came home early once to find them all beer stoked and doing Vincent's thing on her herbs. They picked a new house to meet at after that.


    I love me that Vincent!


    Haaaaa! Go Vincent!


    But I am really glad you are able to keep your cockles warm, even in Vermont. It's cold there.


    That picture is priceless lol!


    Nice punkin! All of ours are picked, as the vines withered. They are still serving as props for sock photos. We have 3 male dogs, so I wash veggies well.



    That's your green thumb secret eh. :P

    I love your Pumpkin. I have Pumkin envy. Even with watering ours twice a day they still burned up in the summer heat. Next year I will be planting them in a different spot with shade. *sigh*


    What a cozy pumpkin! You take the most awesome photos!!

    I have an album of "ends" photos. May I print off Vincent and put him in my album?

    There is nothing worse than a cold cockle.


    I'm sitting here in the dark, quietly reading your post, when I see that cute doggie - look closer then, ummm.... is he...? Yep, then BAWAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Whoops, woke up my 7 year old. Time for breakfast! Great line there to go along with the picture. Love it.


    Bad vincent bichon, peeing on the beans...


    I can't believe the pumpkin continued to ripen. What a beautiful tableau you created around it! Vincent is a cheeky one, isn't he?


    So that is the extra flavor in the beans, eh?
    Norma - what are you using for mulch? Sea grass? The pumpkin looks great!


    Thanks for the stroll!


    Omg...excellent action shot of Vincent!! Is that your secret??


    Looks like pole beans would be a more appropriate choice in, your garden. Funny!


    That a boy, Vincent! :-) The green cable UFO looks marvelous. Is it going to be something for you, I hope?


    OMG, the puppy shot is the perfect thing for WTF Wednesday!


    Aw, that Vincent!


    Nice pumpkin, baby! Woo-wee!

    Steph VW

    That is the cutest little doggy bum. heh heh.

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