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    « How Will History Judge Me? | Main | The Domino Effect »

    Saturday, September 30, 2006


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    Thanks for the plum jam recipe! Will need to make some. That and the pear ginger jam. YUMMMM. Both will make nice additions to what is already on the pantry shelves (blueberry marmalade and spiced blackberry). =D



    You want labor-intensive? Pomegranate jelly. I spent two days killing them by hand. Another day just cleaning the juice off the walls.

    Lovely yarn! You're so lucky to have yarny neighbors.


    No, no, no - pomegranite jelly is dead simple...just use some Pom Wonderful and you're all set :-) Goooood stuff, too.

    That plum jam looks amazing! I'm not even a big plum fan, but I can taste how all the flavors would go together. Nice.


    The jams sound good! Beautiful yarn!


    The nerve of that husband. Wanting handknit things from his obsessive knitter wife. Scheez.
    You are obviously just looking for a way to have a shot in the morning. Perhaps every day would be better starting off with grand marnier on toast!
    Pass the jam!


    I love jam, almost as much as I love knitting! And there should be a damson glut coming my way soon ...


    Does it matter which kind of plums you use? That sounds wonderful.


    The jams sounds really yummy, and the yarn is to die for! The green is gorgeous!


    Breakfast at Norma's! :) That plum jam sounds delish!


    You better have a big loaf of bread around just for me!

    Rachel H

    As soon as I saw 4 cups of carrots, peeled and grated you lost me on that jam. But despite my utter lack of cooking and domestic skills, there's a chance that plum jam of yours may be attempted in this kitchen...


    Does anyone else not find it odd that all the current receipes have booze in em? Maybe you should write a cookbook - Vermont Cooking with Likker: How to Have Warm Toes in the Coldest of Climates... just a thought.


    Doh! I was looking for a plum jam recipe yesterday but when my admittedly not very extensive search failed to turn up something that appealed to me I made a plum, peach, and rhubarb crisp instead. It's good, but it's not jam.

    So thanks for the recipe! What kind of plums did you use? Red, blue, yellow? Do you think it matters?


    maybe all this jam making with booze in it is why Norma had such a big smile in the previous post heheheh - But those recipes do look good enough to make me want to try them.


    yummy jam and pretty yarn :-)
    p.s. i got 2 tee-shirts and a bumper sticker from over east, love them!


    They both sound wonderful. I've never actually made jam, although it' always been on my "list" of things I'd like to do. The thing is, we just don't eat that much of it, and none of us likes it too sweet, so canning jars and jars just seems silly . . . (grin). The idea of making just enough for a week or so, though? Yeah . . . one of these days.


    I can burn Jello, so I am not about to try making jam. I'll just keep following your blog to get some vicarious jammin'! They sound delicious!!

    And such yummy yarn! Sensual delights to last all winter long!!


    I love carrots raw but cook em and ICK!!! I'm sorry Norma but I could hardly think of a more disgusting flavor for jam, except maybe liver preserves, LOL!

    Now the plum jam sounds spectacular!

    The yarn is dishy too!


    Thanks for the recipes! I made a plum preserve with merlot one year, and I can't wait to try it with Grand Marnier; some for the pot, some for me, some for the pot, some for me, some for me...


    You do know how to whet a person's appetite don't you...for yarn as well as plum jam :-) I can't decide which I covet more (sigh). Gotta go Google Clun Forest sheep now. Later...Ooops, forgot, Would you by any chance have a good (i.e., easy and tasty)recipe for scones you would like to share with us? And, if perchance you find yourself with too much of the plum jam, you do have my snail mail address, don't you?


    You're not a jam fool; you're plum crazy!

    Sounds yummy!


    Just a little hint, if you stand the carrots up on end in the chute for your food processor you'll get little grated bits. The plum jam sounds divine!


    Your plum jam sounds divine! I must go make some immediately. Do you know if it's okay to lie jars horizontally when processing (if the pot's not big enough)?


    Oh my....all of your jams sound WONDERFUL! You certainly have been industrious lately!

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