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    « Haltering | Main | Winners! »

    Friday, August 04, 2006


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    You have a month for the mittens, Norma. I just finished my first one tonight. It's nothing great, but it's a mitten I can bitch about.

    I bet Jack would have shown up if you were wearing that halter...

    What kind of wine does Hank drink?


    I can't stop laughing about Vincent giving Hank the stink eye! :)
    Pass the wine. Oh, yeah, it's gone.
    Damn ABC!

    Rachel H

    My son now wants us to find a gnome for our yard. Me, I just want to be svelte enough to pull off one o' them sexy halter tops.


    LOST: Bringing mothers and daughters together, 2 seasons running.

    I miss my John Locke. :(


    You do too much damn charity knitting. Stop being such a do-gooder. You need to start being WAY more selfish.

    Ha. I'm just kidding. You know that. How about just partake and knit a funky Dulaan scarf!

    Chris in MN

    Norma! You seem to have found your energy for blogging these days! Rock on!


    Thanks for the swap link. I never done a swap, but I always like to try something at least once. I'd signed up for the Autumn skiens swap, but I think this scarf swap will be more my thing. I likes funky!


    That gnome is very Norma.


    I work on Wednesday nights so I downloaded Lost season 2 from itunes. Biggg mistake! This must what heroin addicts feel like...just one more episode before work/bed/eating/showering. I can't wait for season 3, but I'm in recovery for a while first.


    Mmmm, that Syrah looks good. I don't think Cline has ever made a dud wine (and if they have, I don't want to know about it!).

    Hank on his own would be cute enough, but Vincent's reaction to him is priceless.


    Shit! I forgot to enter! Figures. Dang!

    That Hank is one handsome sonofagun, he is. Is he single?


    Love the gnome. I'm sure you'll take good care of him and protect him from Vincent.

    Dave Daniels

    Hmmm, this JUST got listed in my bloglines, at almost 10 pm. Weirdness with them lately.
    And poor Jack. He's missing out so much. First was your new halter tee shirty thingy, and then the opportunity to be with you after polishing off a bottle of wine. He doesn't know what he's missing...


    Vincent...get that GD Gnome!! Enjoy your weekend Norma and don't work TOO hard;-)


    MMm...I'm a big fan of Cline's Ancient Vines Zinfandel, particularly when paired with Ghirardhelli triple chocolate brownies. =p Enjoy your wine and the new gnome!


    Maybe you could have one of those pay per view specials where Vin and Jack oh say, fight in a cage. Sure it would a bit slower paced than those other matches, but we're not that violent - we're knitters.

    Glad the wine was good. I tasted it at the winery and HAD to have it. P.s. the winery is 20 minutes from my house in case you're planning a vacation.

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