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    « The Weather Is Too Beautiful to Waste | Main | I'm Speechless »

    Friday, July 21, 2006


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    Push up Norma, Push up! :)

    The view is so awesome. Look at all the pretty green. Our green is turning on us already--too hot.


    A lovely day was had by all. Including Mr. Ant. I bet he did not wake up expecting salmon carrot salad to forage that day!
    "Sandy candy" heh! Made me laugh!
    LOVE your sock. And Judy's too. And I especially love the THINK SNOW sticker. But that's just me!


    What a great day, with great company!


    Beautiful! I guess that I didn't realize that you could hike right where the lifts are (I'm a skiier, or used to be before I kids my little guys), not so much of a hiker.

    Dave Daniels

    Look at you with your tan and sassy haircut! And you're out there pushing boulders, feeding wildlife AND knitting. I suspect you'll be building her hermit cabin very soon. lol Looks like you were both having a great time.


    How fun! I'm sure you and Judy had a blast!


    Sandy candy is good. Love your haircut too. Haven't seen a picture of you in a while m'dear. You look good. :) sounds like a fun day.


    "Sandy Candy" -- love that! Your sock is fantastic. Great photos -- thanks for sharing your wonderful day.


    You go grrls! Looks like way much fun. How can I be envious of an ant? And knitting in the mountains...just perfect.


    Great day. How are your thighs today? Hopping over boulders reminded me of mine later.


    Looks like you and Judy had a nice time in one of my most favorite spots! Cool socks!

    BTW...........HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!


    I know that Mountain! :)

    You're so damn cute. I really do think it would pep up your look even more to have a puppy purse.....


    Awesome pics! Hiking and knitting - what better way to spend a day?


    Awesome way to spend your day - hiking - good food - knitting - great friends!! Thanks for the photo tour Norma. And happy happy birthday again. :)

    wool winder

    Love your part of the country. My husband is originally from Vermont, but we haven't been back for a visit in a while. Your trek is the next best thing to being there. Enjoyed it.


    WOW. looks like a great day.


    I think the "Think Snow" sticker is my favourite too. Your pictures are GORGEOUS! What a fantastic day.


    Think snow, indeed. Hey, how come everyone else's Trekking socks are so cool and mine are so sucky? I have no desire to finish the things, let alone go trekking with them!


    The only time I was in Vermont, in deadly July heat, we did Sugarloaf and I think I got some similar artsy shots of green mountains and empty lifts! There were bikinis for sale in the gift shop.


    You're a better woman than I, dear heart! Bravo for the hiking! Bravo for the sock! What a splendid way to spend a day. Thanks for sharing.


    City-folk. *L*

    Looks y'all had a lovely day. Thank you for sharing the piccies!


    Looks like a wonderful day of hiking & knitting!


    Thank YOU for sharing your lovely day with us! Great pics ;)

    Beth S.

    And a good time was had by all! :-) Looks like a fun (if very tiring) day.

    Oooh, those socks...


    NICE day!

    denny  Mcmillan

    It is my "week of delurking", and I am a commenting fool now . I plan to give Rachel H a run for her money in the comment dept.And instead of saying my thang I will change it a bit for here......................


    jut cause. from denny


    You took a picture of an ANT? In which you could TELL it was an ant? I want YOUR camera!


    Sounds like too much fun! I enjoyed your narrative and photos.


    Woo! I am now even more psyched for my vacation (starting the 29th)!

    Nice socks, by the way.


    It looks great! except for the dying trees. (I won't start either. Breathing... breathing... OK.) Love that New England blue sky.


    Oh how lovely! Sounds like a great day (except for the lady in mules).

    Rachel H

    m'kay - how is it that on YOUR blog your top looks nice and cool and demure and respectable, and on Judy's blog you're showin' some skin?

    Does look like a great way to spend a day though. The hiking part, not the showing skin part. Which could be fun too in the right circumstances. ;o)


    Look at you in that sexy red top. Go you hikers!


    LOVE the hike! The "citified" person made me giggle! Met one on my Rainier hike yesterday. She called me "one of those people" when I said wash and wear hair rules. (She was worried about what the hike was doing to her hair!! LOL)

    Anyways ... THANKS for the post. Hope your birthday was a HAPPY one!


    Oh, man, you're killing me--that's my favorite place in the world! Were you up in the Notch? I've only gone up there once, in a Ford Escort, and halfway up, I thought the car was going to give out and I'd be stuck there forever. I've never been brave enough to try it again.

    The first thing I do when I go to Stowe is go up to the Trapp Lodge and look out over the valley, and I cry every time. That view means I'm finally in heaven.

    It looks like you had a great day.


    That must have been fun...hiking in mules. Looks like a fun day.

    julia fc

    Now that you have hiked with the sock, I feel my work is done here. You really are a sock knitter now!
    Lovely day.

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