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    « The Summer of the Allium and Other Gardening Stories | Main | Not Really So Haggy »

    Friday, June 02, 2006


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    And The Special Thing is????


    Y'know, I really appreciate the reminder that there's a bright side to not being able to leave the city. Fewer mosquitoes.


    I'll join your mosquito along. Not willingly. I feel at this point if you started one I would join compulsorily. (is that a word?) I've got a petition out to the state of Georgia to officially change the state bird to the mosquito. I've emptied the birdbath and I'm considering putting out a call to blogland to save all those little silicone thingummies that come in your shoe boxes and send them to me to help dry my acreage out a bit. I need more bats. I'll take 'em rabid if they still eat the skeeters.

    Meat tenderizer. That's what they say 'roun these here parts for taking the itch out of mosquito bites. On the other hand there could be some local chainsaw massacre plot afoot.


    The special thing must be trillium or ladyslippers!

    HPNY knits

    nature comes witha price. :-( they love me too, I know how you feel. better luck next trek!


    Mossies. Yuk ! [or,as Oliver would say,yuckkity !]
    Nearly as yuk as tincture of dandelion root. :0)


    All in all, not a BAD day, eh?


    Good times, good times. I'm off to search for a Special Thing that is rumored to be 'round these parts tomorrow. Hiking + rain = fewer bugs.


    Poor Vincent. Oh, and poor you too. Any West Nile hanging around?

    Dave Daniels

    Good thing the mosquitos didn't make off with Little Vinny! He'd have been a tasty little snack.

    Dave Daniels

    Oh, FINALLY! One of my farking comments appeared. You and this damned new security!!!!!


    Poor Vincent! And poor Norma! I hate, abhor, and detest mosquitoes . . . what a close call you had! I can't think of anything worse than being carried away by them . . .

    Meanwhile, no hiking/walking for me. Too much rain. Too hot. Too muggy. Too wet. It's a mix and match thing, but jumble them together and you've got the last week. Add in thunder and more rain and you've got tomorrow's forecast, too. At least I did, technically start my sock. I've got the toe shaping done . . . nothing else, yet, but a toe!


    At least the sock was spared!


    Look on the upside, Vincent has something to talk about in therapy next week. ;^)


    My condolences. I fear going out into the woods right now not only for the mosquitoes but lest I find mold growing on me when I get home. What do you want to bet we have a drought come August?


    My daughter came home from the school nature walk this week with a tick, despite long sleeves, long pants, longs socks etc. - I didn't even think about the mosquitoes!

    And as the owner of another very small, orten grimy white dog, how exacty did Vincent ask for a bath? Maybe he could teach Cinderella...


    ooh typos, sorry, no coffee yet!


    There is a version of Deep Woods Off that is 25% DEET. It's what I send with my husband on his trips to India (along with the anti-malaria pills).

    If you give Vincent brewers' yeast tablets (ask the vet for dosage for such a tiny fellow), that should help keep the blighters away. You can (after discussing it with your GP) take B vitamins.

    Or, you could fly out west where I saw ONE mosquito in five hours of walking yesterday afternoon/evening, and I turned a heel and got well into the gusset on some 13EEE's.


    Christ honey, that "very special thing" better be a huge freaking blender with margaritas aplenty. No way would this city slicker go wit cha...


    The brewer's yeast tablets are a good idea. I have friends that add a little yeast to their cat's food, and it keeps fleas at bay, so it probably would do the same for mosquitos. Poor little guy...


    Nice what's "the very special thing"?

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