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    « Red Mitten | Main | Singles Club »

    Sunday, December 11, 2005


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    One of the things I love about living in a city is that I can do all of my holiday shopping without setting foot in a mall (and without ordering stuff online). I had a lovely afternoon yesterday of walking around to various uncrowded stores. And enjoying the weather, which was perfect and crisp.


    (Also, that merino is lovely.)


    Awesome spinning, Norma. My weekend has consisted of the stuff you described that everyone else is doing - making candy, shopping (done!!), making glugg, wrapping gifts. But I did finish my Jaywalker socks and also branching out. And I finally felted that flamingo from last summer. No wonder I'm tired!


    Ooh, that is definitely a good way to spend a weekend! I feel like I spent most of mine in the kitchen (and, well, except for sleeping, I guess I really did!). I did manage some knitting, but haven't touched my wheel in days. Beautiful, Norma!


    Oh what fun it is to spin, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh duhhhhh...
    [--Dashing thru the snow, etc.--]


    great spinning!! The best way I can think of to spend a weekend ;-).

    Hmm...can you emailme your address again ;-)


    You are so smart to spend the weekend spinning on your wheel instead of spinning your wheels in the mall. Nice stuff you made there, grrlfriend.


    I've been spinning instead of concentrating on the impending holiday, too. I did get around to wrapping the gifts for the folks here today. And an 8 year old wanted to learn to spin last night and be reminded how to knit this morning (not my daughter but her friend) so how could I refuse. I've spun up some of that orange stuff and will try navajo plying it tomorrow.


    Hey, nice spinnin' dere, Normi - Cheers!

    Dave Daniels

    It's a lot more fun to spin when you have the good bobbins on there, huh? Glad you figured that out. Of the 6 bobbins that I have, 3 are a little out of whack, so they make a clickty clack sound. I've marked those with a little "x", so I know to save them for plying, which goes fairly quickly.
    And you're smart to skip the malls. Spinning is far better for the soul. Wait'll you see what I've been doing.


    I so admire your spinning! I haven't been bitten by that bug that (thank goodness) cuz I live in a small house that is already overcrowded with store-bought yarn and what would I do with MORE knitting-related stuff? But anyhow, I can admire vicariously through you and others who do spin such lovely stuff!

    It must be very nice having some special yarn you handspun yourself. Speaking of which, did you handspin those beautiful red mittens? If not, what yarn is that? What pattern etc? Have a good week. Chelle


    Good on ya, Normie. The best holiday gift I could get from anyone is watching someone else learn how to spin... this is the first time in 20 yrs I have had this pleasure. And it's been so much fun watching you figure things out. :-)


    Ummm. I bet you hate being called Normie. If so, I apologize. If not, maybe I started a trend. Umm. Maybe not.

    Lee Ann

    I'm struggling with the camelid thing. Your spinning is gawgeous and I love that you say "wicked excited." It's the only way to be ;-)

    I've actually spun through all of Cate's black llama now, and neckwarmer is nearly done. It has a features...thanks to the unevenness and VM in the fibre. Oh well. Next spinning project on the wheel is definitely merino. I need something that will make me feel like I'm good at this...


    Wow, you were busy this weekend! The yarn is lovely. I had the same problem with the bobbins on my new-to-me wheel. The wood glue made them wonky, and also the holes through the middle had worn unevenly. New bobbins made a world of difference.

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