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    « UGHHHHHHH! Clusterfuck flies! | Main | Making Yarn - The Journey Continues »

    Wednesday, November 09, 2005


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    Must. get. orange. chibi.

    Whoops, did you say something about yarn? Knitting? I'm distracted.


    Those mittens are awesome! And so totally, completely NORma! Love, Love, Love 'em. Wait until Sandy sees them, she's going to try and steal them.
    You can add Halcyon to your list of shops with great service. I ordered from them on Monday, got an email requesting clarification on something Tuesday morning, and another email Tuesday afternoon telling me all my stuff is on the way. Romney, Coopworth, hand carders. Woo hoo!


    This blog entry brought to you by the color orange. ;-)

    Your felted mittens are wonderful!

    Teresa C

    Must be the evil sock/mitten gauge gremlin. Nice to know I am not alone in my affliction.


    So the needles in the Orange Chibi - are they the smaller ones, you know, for sock knitting? There was a rumor awhile back that they were going to come out with smaller needles.

    The mittens are FABU of felting goddess you!


    Oh! Oh! Oh!! Love it all---the quilt square, the laceweight, the mittens.....

    Great idea, the fine gauge cuff. I'm gonna go write that down.


    I am converted to your church of felt and you are the one and only goddess. How'd ya do that?
    Orange Orenburg's? OMG! What will Cassie and Claudia and Susan think?

    Rachel H

    Damn. Now I wanna make felted mittens. VERY cool stuff from Russia! One of my coworkers is going there in a few weeks. Maybe I should ask her to bring me home some yarn...


    I love that felted mitten pattern, it was the first thing I knit that I could actually wear now I've made too many to count. AND they are warm enough to pass the hockey game test.


    It's orange Wednesday at Norma's. Great Chibi. Mittens turned out great -- like autumn in your hands!


    So does this mean that green Chibis are now endangered and there will be a huge stampede of people putting them up on eBay?


    Hey! Add Simply Socks to your list.
    She's great. Seriously.
    I'm doing a baby blanket in apricot. I think it's in anticipation of winter.
    Can I have the bear wrapper? If I send you a stamp?
    Love your mittens. I was thinking they'd be fine once felted. Maybe I will succumb to a "brown" phase.


    As long as no one gives their yarn store a "needs improved" report card, I'm happy. (That was one of the options on report cards when I lived in West Virginia.)

    The mittens look great.


    ORANGE chibis! How'd I miss those? The mittens look great. I've been hesitant to felt anything that's *a pair*. (How's the fly situation?)


    MUST have orange Chibi, since I miss all the pink ones......must have, must have :).

    I like the idea of the cuff for the mittens. In one of my many books, they have a pair of mittens with the cuff attached to the inside of the mitten around the wrist.

     Lee Ann

    I so need to make felted mittens. My hands froze with normal mittens last year, and so did the little person's hands. Got to find a good source of Fiber Trends patterns who will ship to Canada...there's a helmet felted hat that begs to be girlified with flowers or something (or, heaven help me, felted butterflies...)

    And Carole got handcarders quickly at Halcyon...okidoki, that's the next place to order :-)


    The mittens are wonderful, Norma! Love the color. Can we see them being worn at some point? Are they pretty flexible?


    I love the mittens! Maybe I'll try some kiddie-sized ones for my niece. Now to find some DoraTheExplorer Pink.
    The nearest LYS to me gets a "Needs SERIOUS Improvement". I think all those women who work or hang out there are related to that crabby woman on those greeting cards. NO. HELP. EVER. How can I support my LYS if that vein in my forehead pulses at the very idea of going there?
    Um, I'm confused - what's the big deal about the orange Chibi?

    Steph VW

    Bless you sister Norma, *sobbing* I too believe in the church of felt... Hallelujah! Amen.

    (oh dear... my reverend FIL would be mortified at my behaviour... he's only recently recovered from me using the word "pimp" in conversation.)


    I keep coming back and drooling over that quilt square. Stunning. Inspiration to pull out my own scraps and make something new, along with wishing I could hang out with Dave and soak up some of that creativity.

    gale (she shoots sheep shots)

    Can't stop thinking how great those mittens are. Add one more to my MUST do soon list..thanks! (I think) Enjoy 'em!


    Ohmigod. I LOVE those mittens. And I'm getting my Magelshfsdoghal yarn TODAY! It's TODAY!!! WOO!!

    Ok. Sorry, I'll go now before I start scaring people. If I haven't already :0


    Damn you, Norma! I just knew it had to be you who purchased Dave's Maple Leaf quilt! You're always one step ahead of me.....and leading me into temptation!!

    Beth S.

    I knew you could do it. :-)


    I'm thrilled the mittens worked out! And we of little faith. And thanks for the links...worth their weight in retail gold.


    Ooooooh Orange..... Thanks for leaving their phone number. Like a knitter needs any more enabling.

    Diane E.

    Hi, love your site. I recognised the white Furx and was wondering what you might be doing with it? I have some leftover from a shrug I knit for my sister's wedding. Kit on!

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