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    « Fate Has A Way | Main | How Was YOUR Weekend? »

    Friday, August 26, 2005


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    Stalker Angie

    Poor, poor sad little mitten. Norma Dear, you should be ashamed. You put that lovely sounding tea away and you pay attention to that mitten. What where you thinking? hehe

    That yarn looks divine! And you must tell us how the hand cream is. Mmmmmmmm. :)

    Have a great day!


    neither. it's buck nekkid. hey -- if you're going all vernacular, why not spell it vernacularly?


    The poor yellow mitten off the needles alone
    Was lamenting its fate in a whiney, sad tone.

    "I'm not meant to be by myself with no other!
    I need Mom to knit me a sister (or brother).
    In bright, happy colors of yellow and green
    So in the dark we may always be seen.
    With soft, puffy feathers surrounding the cuff
    That resemble the finest of dandelion fluff.
    So please, Mom, put down that yummy new tea,
    and that pretty new sock yarn you pet 'stead of me.
    I want to go traveling ... there are hands to be warmed.
    But never will happen 'til my sibling is formed."


    I love the new mitten. It is bright and colorful.


    I thought that it was bucked nekkid. At least that's how they pronounce it around here. Hope you find your match poor little mitten.



    poor mitten, are you trying to compete with Koigu?? and Anne??

    Dena Shunra

    Goodness POM really *does* look like something fatherered by Dr. Seuss! I had no idea he designed knitwear (either intellectually or biologically...)

    Hot, hot, hot on tot... (oh, never mind...)


    Ha, what's the answer? Inquiring minds want to know;-)


    DLM (dear little mitten)
    You are a love! And so is your mom!
    Love, the day after girl
    p.s. I say BUTT naked. Just sayin'


    butt-nekkid, round these parts.


    Buck Naked. No question. Despite what the birthday girl says.

    And tnx for the heads up on one of our favorite grrls.


    Oh, that mitten is adorable. It looks like a Sneetch. I was beside myself with joy yesterday because I accidentally happened up on the real Mulberry Street from the Dr. Seuss book while I was on the road for work.


    PINK GRAPEFRUIT green tea? Oh, that sounds like something I might almost like. More info, please! (My Snapple Lime (diet) Green Tea has me almost, but not quite, off Diet Coke. This is supposed to be better, but now I can't travel without a week's supply of SDLGT, because I'm becoming addicted and it's a lot harder to get your hands on than Diet Coke. Sigh.


    Now I know who the NORma is that everyone is talking about these days.
    Nice to meet ya.

    julia fc

    That's so totally Sneechy!
    Made from thneed I assume?
    Will you, Norma, knit another?
    Will you give that one a brother? oh crap, it's raining blue goop again, gotta go. . .


    I like that mitten. Nowhere near as goofy as you said it might be.


    Buck naked, butt ugly.

    Since everyone is waxing poetical:

    A sweet little mitten so yellow
    Said "All that I lack is a fellow.
    When I'm part of a pair
    Then life will be fair,
    And we will both wave and say, 'Hello!'"


    Soft yellow mitten
    Sad sound of one hand clapping.
    Winter is coming.

    OK, so it's not Dr. Seuss, but it's the best I can do.


    Hey--nice mitten, kitten!


    That Anne........what a great kid!! That pink grapefruit green tea sounds yummy!!!

    I love the lonely mitten!


    Yellow as butter
    And green as the sea
    Forlorn and abandoned
    For a new cup of tea

    I want to thank everybody who is as permanently scarred by Dr. Seuss as I am. I don't feel so alone now.
    Who makes that tea, by the way?


    I love that tea. It's equally yummy hot (wintertime) or cold (summertime). And please give the adorable Seussimitten a mate!

    Teri P

    I'm thinking the Poor Orphaned Mitten's brother ought to look up SecondSock. Could we be witnessing the birth of a class action suit?


    Oooo! I like the fact that Kim called me a kid. That's almost as good as getting a box of goodies in the mail - maybe better. Glad you are enjoying all of it. Too bad for the mitten.


    Thanks to you I bought the Pink Grapefruit green tea and also the ROSE green tea which is very yummy too. Chelle

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