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    « How Was YOUR Weekend? | Main | A Mystery for All The Entomologists Who Read My Blog (Careful. We Don't Want To Crash The Server) »

    Tuesday, August 30, 2005


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    That bag is adorable!


    Oh, NORMA!
    Well, it was to be expected, seeing as how you TEMPTED FATE and all.
    sheesh, some people never learn...have a great weekend then they've gotta BLOG about it. ;-D
    You do know that once the magic smoke leaks out of your computer it's broken, dontcha?
    Hope your key thing still works but given that you were crowing about your mail too ...tsk tsk tsk


    I love that bag. I bet you end up carrying it, just because. or is it time to redecorate? I don't know about computers, but I'm thinking smoke is a bad thing. Overall, still a goodly chunk in the plus column.


    That bag looks great. I'm crossing my fingers for the computer issue. Based on past experience, I'm not going to hold out optimism. At least Secret Pal came through. Marvelous gifts!


    That is won great 'better pal'! So far the pals are living up to their name;-)
    Your Manos bag is great looking. You could carry home a feast in it. I use my bags mostly for 'display' around the house. That may all change with decluttering issues, however.
    The term 'burnt toast' keeps running around in my head...hope it's not that bad, grrlfriend.


    Oooooh, McCoy... how very sweet and wonderful!


    Wow Norma! That is some goregous pottery! What a thoughtful pal. And the bag is cute but I admit, I don't use any of the bags I have felted either.


    Oh's that yin/yang thing that happens. At least it is not all bad....that is a great pal you have!!!


    What a rollercoaster of a day! Glad there were good parts too. Fabulous gifts from your Better Pal. Looks like she hit one out of the park with that gift!


    Your bag looks great but something you said struck fear into my heart. Please, oh, please tell me that you put your tote in a pillowcase or bag so that it didn't shed into your washer. If you didn't, your washer is going to surely need its drain cleaned out otherwise you might not see it live too long. I don't mean to intrude but I don't want you kill your washer.



    YAY for Better Pals and Manos!


    I love the colors of the bag! Do you put your feltees in a pillow cover before you toss them in the washer? I use a cotton, zippered pillow cover and it keeps the lint in the washer to a minimum since most of it stays in the pillow cover. It helps keep my washer (and therefore my husband/chief washer fixer) happy. PS- has the Seuss mitten found a mate? Can a star-bellied sneetch sweater be far behind?


    That bag is darn cute! I think Kim is on the right track with that yin / yang thing. Good luck...


    Hi Norma, Phoebe and I were very flattered by your kind comment.


    Computer bits that are too hot to handle sounds Very Bad Indeed ... will keep my fingers crossed (for said bits, and for your support people to have a disaster recovery plan that works!).

    You put your finger on the part of felting that intimidates me the most: fuzz. Do those zippered pillow cases really protect the washing machine, or is that the felter's equivalent of throwing salt over your shoulder?


    Norma - you are the luckiest girl in the whole wide world with those secret pals and random acts of kindness and better pals and all sorts of stuff going on over there!

    Best of luck with your computer - mine fried last week. I had to borrow this one - luckily it's a work computer, so it's not that bad.


    I love the bag but I lust after the McCoy!!! What a thoughtful gift! :)


    Ooooo - now SHE is a keeper!! So... was the 'puter totally fried? Have you dared to turn it back on?

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