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    « Kool-Aid Kolors | Main | Sunday Swap »

    Saturday, February 26, 2005


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    Vincent is ADORABLE. But if I were him, I'd be hiding too. The slippery slope of koolaid dyeing. It is too much fun.


    We dyed my friend's cat with kool aide back in high school. She was a very fashionable punk kitty in lime green and pink. Her mom was not amused.


    I *love* the residual fruity smell! My sister and I got a bunch of natural wool a while back and just went NUTSO dying it with KoolAid. We were sniffing it too once it was dry.

    Your colors look great Norma!



    But what does your husband thhink of this??


    Run, Vincent run!!!


    My Kool Aid yarn smelled good for a couple of years. You ARE having fun with your diversionary tachtics for not knitting. Can I send you all my white and cream wool?


    And they haven't banned you from the kool-aid aisle at the grocery store yet?!


    I love love love those colors. I think I need some kool aid.

    Siow Chin

    Vincent has just the perfect coat for dyeing. I can understand why he's looking at you like that.


    Norma, I'm starting to be a little worried. I know that this all started innocently enough, and that I could be wrong, but it's starting to look to me like this koolaid thing has gotten so out of control that you are now scouring the house for abandoned partial balls of wool.
    Did you quit diet coke again?


    You're about to face withdrawl pangs I'm afraid, and I'm afraid you'll reach for the $12/hank alpaca/wool that I know you think you could dye to just that perfect shade of red. If you get to this stage, please let me know and I'll send you my undyed cotton.


    We're taking up a collection for a T-shirt that says "Stop me before I dye again". (It'll be all the rage for you and illiterate reincarnation-ists.)


    Oh, how fun! Since Laurie started the guest blogging over at the Harlot's, I've been itching to do some dyeing. What do I have in the stash.....


    Hmm. I've been letting the gray grow out in my hair. I'm extremely ambivalent about it. I bet you could work wonders with your dye pot. I'll be right over.


    Hee hee. I love that mug. My father gave me one when I was in school to help me keep things in perspective.

    Thanks for the Kool-Aid tutorials, it's nice to know that wool comes out nicer than hair (not that I know anything about dyeing one's hair with Kool-Aid, oh no I never did anything like that in high school...)


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